Oshkosh Independent
Justin R. Mitchell To reduce the potential exposure from lead in drinking water in Oshkosh, the City has adopted revisions to the Municipal Code “Chapter 20 – Plumbing” to make full lead water service line replacement mandatory. To offset the cost to property owners, the City applied for and received a $500,000 principal forgiveness loan from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources through the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program. The policy now includes the opportunity for property owners, not adjacent to City projects, who wish to have their private-side lead service replaced to be a part of the reimbursement program. Through the program, property owners can receive reimbursement of 50% of the cost of replacement up to a maximum of $1500. Additional reimbursement is available to property owners who meet certain income requirements. Read the full article. Comments are closed.
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April 2023