Downloadable Resources
Collaborative Resources
Recursos en Español
- Introducción al plomo en el agua potable y el reemplazo de líneas de servicio de plomo (Introduction to Lead and LSL Replacement)
- This is the main page with Spanish resources from the Collaborative
- Recursos para Consumidores Interesados (Resources for Concerned Consumers)
- Factors Legales (Legal Factors)
- Financiamiento (Funding)
- Desarollo del Plan (Plan Development)
- Rol de los Profesionales de la Salud Pública (Role of Public Health Professionals)
- Identificación de los materiales de las líneas de servicio (Identifying Service Line Material)
- Control de la corrosión (Corrosion Control)
- Pasos posteriores al reemplazo que deben cumplir los consumidores (Steps for Consumers after LSL Replacement)
External Resources
- Editable and sample materials for utilities to provide: (American Water Works Association)
- Customers (brochure, FAQ, newsletter, bill insert, pluming graphic, etc. )
- Public officials (letter to officials and plumbers, presentation for officials, pubic health agency, real estate community)
- Schools and child care facilities (letter and presentation to administrators, facility plumbing profile)
- Sample fact sheets for customers: (Philadelphia Water Department)
- Guidance materials for utilities
- Guidance for home-based child care providers
- The Lead-Safe Toolkit for Home-Based Child Care: Lead in Drinking Water (Children’s Environmental Health Network , the National Association for Family Child Care, and the National Center for Healthy Housing)
- Principles for LSL Replacement
- Principles for Lead Service Line Replacements (NRDC and other partners)
- Research and journal articles
- Lead Pipes and Environmental Justice: A Study of Lead Pipe Replacement in Washington, DC
- American University and Environmental Defense Fund
- Rates could fund lead pipe replacement in critical states: Laws in states with the most lead service lines support the practice
- Emmett Environmental Law & Policy Clinic, Harvard Law School and Environmental Defense Fund
- Research to Move Toward Evidence-Based Recommendations for Lead Service Line Disclosure Policies in Home Buying and Home Renting Scenarios
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- Understanding the Proposed Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule (PDF link; online link)
- Journal AWWA
- Using online tools to publicize lead service line locations and promote replacement
- AWWA Water Science
- Lead Pipes and Environmental Justice: A Study of Lead Pipe Replacement in Washington, DC
- Presentations