Evanston Roundtable
Adina Keeling Read the full article. Under a mandate in the Illinois Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act, Evanston must now replace, not repair, lead water pipes. To ensure the city is capable of taking on the work, city staff are in the process of developing a Lead Service Line Replacement Workforce Program, which would train community members as apprentices to carry out this specialized work. David Stoneback, interim Deputy City Manager and Director of Public Works, presented plans for the program at the March 28 Administration and Public Works Committee. On average, Evanston repairs 65 service lines each year, officials said. Under the proposed plan, the city would hire six apprentices in 2022 and train them to replace city-owned lead service lines. Each apprentice would receive a $31,000 annual salary, paid by the Water Fund. Comments are closed.
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April 2023